Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I am finally better from my death bed flu, (yeah) and am ready to rock and roll. While I was recuperating from the flu, I could not do a whole lot of anything. So I did what I could do, which was checking out new exercise videos on line. The Hollywood socialite Kim Kardashian, you now the one that is famous for having a big booty and a sex tape has released a video series called “Fit in Your Jeans by Friday”. The titles of these workouts are as follows: Ultimate Butt Body Sculpt, Amazing Abs Body Sculpt and Butt Blasting Cardio Step.

I read the reviews on http://www.amazon.com/ as that seems to be the only place one can purchase these DVDs and they got rave reviews, so me, being a big sucka, I broke down and purchased all 3 of these bad boys, head’s up, they run for around $14.99 a piece. I have to say that I am disappointed in what I have seen so far. Now mind you, I have only completed the Ultimate Butt Body Sculpt, but just from doing it, it didn’t do much for me.

Each work out is broken down into two parts; a 15 minute workout and a 20 minute workout. Each DVD incorporates a Step in the workout, so if your step from when you did Jayne Fonda workouts years ago is being buried under Christmas decorations, winter clothing and God knows what, you may want to dig it out that is if you want to keep your figure looking like Kim’s. (She claims these are the workouts she does to keep her famous booty in shape)

Oh, almost forgot, the workouts are not being lead by Kim, she does not appear to be that coordinated and even stated in one of the workouts that it was only recently that she could jump onto the Step (hmmm) but rather by other exercise professionals such as Jennifer Galardi, well known from the “Crunch” exercise series and Patrick Goudeau who has his own workout DVDs.

Now please don’t get me wrong and think that I am bashing Kim’s efforts, because I am not, I just don’t think that for someone that is at an advanced level of exercise that these may be worth it. But if anyone else gives them a try and feel like adding what I have already said, whether you agree with me or not, I will be happy to listen and you can even post your review on the blog, I won’t delete; scout’s honor (can you see me holding up the “scout” fingers?)

Diet Diva 4 Life

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Water World

Hey Divas, I know I have not written anything in a while, but truth be told, I was as sick as the proverbial dog. I have had the flu for almost a month and was barely able to stand let alone sit at the computer and form a coherent sentence to post on my blog. Today is one of the best days that I have had in a very long time, so I decided to post something.

Well, as I was so ill, I was on tons of medications, all of which made me drowsy even if the label or the doctor said that it shouldn’t, hey, what can I say, I am a delicate exotic flower that can’t take heavy narcotics, Advil is about as heavy as I can go without adverse side effects. During all this of course I had to keep myself twice as hydrated as I normally do to aid in keeping my fever down as well as flush all the toxins out of my body.

As I was doing the flushing, I was drinking copious amounts of water and my boyfriend bought me vitamin water as a good gesture to help me “get well”. I started to wonder, is vitamin water better than plain water?
As I was looking at the colorful water that resembled the jeweled colors not unlike the colors of Kool Aid, it looked appealing enough, but as I read the label of this particular brand, it was loaded with sugar. Now why would I want to consume anymore sugar than I already do? There is so much hidden sugar in lots of unsuspecting products such as ketchup etc, why would I want to add more to my diet, besides, last time I checked, I was sweet enough already.

The average bottle of vitamin water has over 100 calories plus sugar for the flavoring so you may as well go ahead and have that can of soda, so what is the point? I think I will stick to plain water and if I need to “punch” it up, I will add a twist of lemon. If I need vitamins, my multivitamin will suffice and do the trick.

Diet Diva 4 Life