Saturday, July 26, 2014

Start Your Day Wild

Start your day WILD!!! Gone Wild is just 1 of the amazing products in the Purple Tiger Series! Check out the best quality ingredients that are going to let the pounds just melt off!!!
Ask us how you can start living the VistaLife TODAY!!!
Purple Tiger Gone Wild

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Be Adventurous & Challenging In Bed

Libido low? Need that pep back in your sex life? Vitality for Men or Vitality for Women can get you there. Made by VistaLife and all natural. Natural products for natural health. Use Referral ID 467325 and check out more on VistaLife


Power Packed Super Pill

Purple Tiger Surge™ a serious weight loss product... we're talking about rapid, significant weight loss and extreme energy, finally together in one power-packed super pill delivering more weight loss than the leading diet pill and all the energy you'll ever want or need... day or night.

To learn more about this product or to place an order go to VistaLife

Still Sitting On The Fence?

Stop thinking - Start DOING! 3 business days is all it takes and you can be on your way to Living the Vista Life and achieving your weight loss goals! or MESSAGE ME!
$44.95 retail or Join $49 (free shipping)

An Apple A Day

Try eating an apple before your next meal. Do that and studies show you’ll eat less overall. That’s because apples are loaded with fiber, which takes longer to digest. Plus, they require a lot of chewing. And more chewing tells our brain, “I must be eating a lot to need all this chewing!”

Friday, July 18, 2014

It's Party Time

Are you going to a party this weekend? Dip your chip in the guacamole!
According to Clemson University researchers, you’re more likely to be sickened by salsa than by other dips! When they tested different types of dips that had been contaminated by double-dippers, they found that the salsa had 7 times more microbes than the others. Why? According to the study, the runny consistency of the salsa makes it easier for germs to migrate from the half-eaten chip into the bowl of salsa.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What Is Vista Life?

Psst YOU... (YES YOU!)... stop thinking and START DOING! MESSAGE me or go to VISTA LIFE & please use REFERRAL ID# 467325. TODAY is YOUR LUCKY DAY!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Music to Your Ears

Do you have a wind chime? It’s actually a good way to calm down. That’s according to research from Cornell University. They found that pleasing sounds, like wind chimes, can decrease stress hormones by 30%!

Useful Things

Here is a decorating tip! STOP DECORATING! You know those copper pots hanging above the island in your kitchen? Stop using them for decoration and start cooking with them - to reduce food poisoning. New research from the University of Arizona found that when copper is heated, the oxidation process kills food poisoning bacteria – like E. coli and salmonella.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Potent Fat Burner – Especially Around Your Waist

This formula takes the benefits of 10 proven products and packages them synergistically together to provide dynamic results in the areas of Energy, Metabolism, Belly Fat and Weight Loss."  Dr. LeBron Long N.D.

* Potent fat burner – especially around your waist

* Works quickly with no side effects

* Increased focus and energy

* Takes the edge off between meals

Do It Right

When your doctor takes your blood pressure, make sure you’re sitting in a chair with your back supported, feet flat on the floor, and arm extended at heart level. Sitting that way can result in a 13% lower systolic reading, that’s the top number - and a 6% lower diastolic reading, the bottom number.

Rapid Energy and Weight Loss

Now you can experience Rapid Appetite Control and weight loss with Purple Tiger Surge™! This product delivers more weight loss, through fast and effective appetite control, with energy to burn! This is the best news to hit the market for everyone who is fed up with diet failure... sick and tired of diet fatigue... and disgusted with so-called fat-burners that just don't work.

What is Purple Tiger Surge™ and why is it so effective? Purple Tiger Surge™ is a unique, fast acting, effective formula with ingredients that work synergistically together to increase energy, reduce appetite, decrease carbohydrate cravings, and jump start your metabolism. In less than an hour, you will quickly feel Purple Tiger Surge™ going to work through the proven ingredients that have been studied to decrease hunger signals, giving you a "full" sensation while allowing you to take control of your appetite, instead of your appetite taking control of you. Purple Tiger Surge™ begins to work quickly to increase your energy and metabolic rate while allowing your natural metabolism to stay in control. These powerful ingredients work through these mechanisms that are crucial to you losing weight quickly, safely, and effectively. Purple Tiger Surge™ is like no other product available. PURCHASE PURPLE TIGER SURGE HERE ~ $45

Do You Find Him Disgusting or Sexy?

I am not sure I believe this one ladies. If I find you or let's say some of your habits disgusting, I will still find them just as disgusting during sex, so I cannot co-sign on this one sorry. If any of you think you can do, please comment and let's hear the responses.

Do You Need Balance ACT?

Ladies, this question is for you. If you are experiencing bloating, cramping, and fatigue, and singing the hormonal blues? A "yes" answer indicates a need for balancing the hormonal system. Hormones are produced by the pituitary gland, which must be fed with essential amino acids. Once this is accomplished, monthly cycles may be supported more efficiently, as well as menstrual challenges in general. Balance Act is one of the many all natural products from Vista Life, they have over 40+ products that can benefit everyone in your household. Visit to see them all.

Purple Tiger PM

LOSE WEIGHT 24HRS!!! Like it? Love it? WANT IT?
or MESSAGE ME its selling out FAST!!!

Pretty But Deadly

Summer is here! It's 'Stone Fruit' season! I love nectarines and peaches. But, a pretty peach can contain tons of pesticides. According to the USDA, peach skins are doused with as many as nine different pesticides to prevent blemishes. That’s why peaches are a good food to buy organic. Otherwise, wash them thoroughly before biting in.

It's Tea Time

If you’re on antibiotics drink green tea! It helps the medication destroy harmful bacteria up to 3 times more effectively. Plus, it's rather delightful.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Choose Your Hard!

Being unhealthy is hard!
Losing weight is hard!
Choose your HARD!

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Need to get a shot from the doctor? Do it in the morning. You’ll feel the least amount of discomfort then. That’s because when you wake up, your body’s Cortisol levels are high. That’s the stress hormone – but it also blocks pain. And it’s highest in the 2 hours after you wake up.
Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Let The Sun Shine In

A little bit of sun is good for us. Just 10 minutes of sunshine is all you need every day to boost your vitamin D – even on cloudy days. And a vitamin D deficiency can increase your risk of stroke by 80%, not to mention the possible risk of heart disease. So go outside and enjoy the sunlight for a few minutes this weekend.

Come Follow Me!

Want to know what I am up to? Then follow me!

Lose Weight While You Sleep?

New product on the market! Purple Tiger PM. The ingredients that are in it aid natural digestion, elevate growth hormone levels, and builds muscle and burn fat. In a nutshell intensifies the process rebooting you while your sleeping so you get even better results. You can then be losing weight 24 hours with the PM at night and any of the PT series during the day. ORDER PURPLE TIGER PM HERE.
Please use Distributor ID#467325 when placing your order

Yoga Anyone?

Yoga is great for your sex life, in more ways than one