Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy New Year Diet Divas!

Ok Diet Divas, so I rang in the new year, you know, Auld Lang Zine, watching Dick Clark on television and wondering why the heck he was not home in bed resting like I was. Of course I rang in the new year just as I sent the old one out, with food being shoveled into my face. The meatballs, the seafood quiche, the kabobs, the bacon wrapped chicken bites, need I go on? With each bite I was saying to myself, “tomorrow brings a new me.” I was thinking that I was going to start my new year off w/a bang, blow the dust off my workout DVD collection do at least 3-4 workouts per week and eat a sensible assortment of grain, fruits and vegetables and let's not forget, load up on the vitamins and water.

Here we are into the second month, I have done maximum maybe 5 workouts, eaten less than sensibly and still have not taken the plastic off my brand new bottle of superwoman vitamins. Why pray tell me am I still wondering why I have a side body profile not unlike the famous Elmer Fudd in the Bugs Bunny cartoons?

Where are you on your quest for the new year?? Have you done better than me? Do you want so show off and tell everyone how much you have accomplished? Come on Divas, share..

Hope to hear from you soon

TTFN (ta ta for now)
Diet Diva 4 Life


  1. I love eating other peoples food and I have a hearty appetite so thank goodness the Lord blessed me with height to spread the weight out. But I too struggle with eating right and exercising consistently. A guy I once dated told me I could eat what I wanted as long as I worked out and so far that has been my mantra. If I eat that cupcake then I know I have to go home and ride my bike an extra 10 minutes or maybe walk to the next stop to catch the train. I always try to balance it. It may not be perfect but I always try. I don't believe in giving my self a start date or deadline. Once I have a desire to say eliminate something from my diet I start right then, I don't wait til after Easter or New Years. No time better than the present is my Motto!!

  2. Good motto, anonymous. But that doesn't work for all of us.. W/ me, I tend to become bored easily. So I'll start off strong, but after 2 wks, I've either stopped completely, or have moved on to something else, not giving the program time 2 show changes. I've struggled w/ my weight for as long as I can remember, so I can honestly say I know what & what not to eat. But it's not always the easiest thing 2 do!! So here I am giving myself another start date. The only difference this time?? I haven't given myself a deadline. I actually feel more committed this time.. So, Bajanbratt... I'm in it 2 win it.. What other choice do I have?

  3. 2 thumbs up ladies, your postings show that you have figured out what works for each of you and that is how we can hit the ground running the race to a healthy lifestyle. Not all diet plans match all of us individually and we must tailor them to suit our body's needs, this is where so many of us go wrong. So as long as we know what the cornerstone of our plan is, we will be victorious

  4. I'd have to agree with drkSexy. I get bored easily too. I need something that will deep my attention. I hate aerobics. I hate exercise but I know that some type of exercise is essential for me to remain healthy. I LOVE junk foods! Hate to admit it but I do! LOL I try to eat "some" of the right things "some" of the time. I'm blessed to be able to say that at this stage in my life, I don't suffer with hypertension, diabetes or high cholesterol. However, I know in order to keep this up I'll have to make some changes so.......... I have, like drkSexy, given myself a start-date (NOW) but no deadline. I'm starting with the better meals and then will move to "exercise" routine. Baby steps! So, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Once I start seeing results, I think I'll become more enthused and will work harder towards my goal! (this weightloss struggle sucks big time!)

  5. Hey, Da Minista makes a good point. The race is not won by the swift so baby steps is all that it takes to get the ball rolling. A simple walk around the block or taking the stairs instead of squeezing w/all the other folks (you know the lazy ones) in the elevator is also a small step to a big change of a healthy lifestyle. Girl, this Diet Diva can attest to the suckiness of the weighloss struggle, but as long as we are Diet Divas in spirit as well, we will prevail.
